Follow Randonauts & Bookmark Reports

Jul 5,  2022

Hello Randonauts! We are happy to announce that many improvements have been made to the Discover experience.

Follow Randonauts

First and foremost, you can now follow your favourite Randonauts. Simply tap their name, and then the Follow button at the top right corner of their feed.

Randonauts you follow will appear at the top of your Discover feed for easy access. The randonaut who posted most recently will appear to the left, and so on, chronologically, left to right. At the end of the row, there is a menu button you can press to see a full Following list.

When a profile photo has a white circle around it, this indicates that they have made a post you have not yet read. Tap the profile photo of a randonaut you follow to see their latest post. Long press to see their entire public feed.

Bookmark Reports

Another update: bookmarks! You can now bookmark your favourite posts to save them for later enjoyment. Simply tap the bookmark icon at the top right of a report to add it to your list. To see all of your bookmarks, tap the bookmarks icon at the top right of the Discover feed.

Edit Photos & Tags

Finally, we heard your feedback, and finally made it possible to remove and re-upload photos to your reports. Simply use the trash can icon on each photo in the report editor to remove it. Use the camera and plus icons to add a photo from your camera or gallery. Also, the order of the photos you selected will now be maintained properly. In addition, post tags can now also be deleted and added, yay!

We hope you will enjoy these new improvements which we hope will make it easier for you to connect with Randonauts around the world. Stay tuned for even more updates in the future, including search and filter options to help you find posts that are relevant to you. As always, we love hearing your feedback so that we can continue to make Randonautica a better, more accessible experience for everyone. Please let us know your thoughts, or report any bugs that need squashing, by emailing us at